Conference Abstract Submission

In preparation for our next educational conference Empowering Nurses at the Beside and Beyond: Moving towards improved outcomes & satisfaction through greater mental health, a two half-day conference that will take place at the TradeWinds Resort on St. Pete Beach on the 27th and 28th of June 2025, we are accepting abstracts for podium and poster presentations through March 31, 2025. Of particular interest are abstracts addressing programs, research, scholarly projects, and process improvement exemplars that have succeeded in advancing staff and student mental health and contributed to strong workplace cultures or learning environments that have improved staff or student retention in either practice or academic settings, and contributed to improved team interaction, interaction with patients or students, and measurably improved patient or student outcomes and experiences.

Desired presentation format:
Presentation Title:
Primary author (must be corresponding author):
Name:Degree(s)/Credentials (i.e. RN, MSN, FAAN):
Position/Title:Institutional Affiliation/Employer:
Email Address:Day-time Telephone:

Position/Title:Institutional Affiliation/Employer:
Position/Title:Institutional Affiliation/Employer:
Position/Title:Institutional Affiliation/Employer:
Position/Title:Institutional Affiliation/Employer:
Position/Title:Institutional Affiliation/Employer:
PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING. In order to facilitate a blinded review, we ask that you refrain from using proper names in the following sections. Instead, we ask that you use a generic description like "a large public university" in place of "South River University" and "a small community hospital" in place of "Tumbleweed Regional Medical Center." The total number of words used for all five of the following sections should not exceed 300.
Methodology/Data Analysis:
Results of Intervention (Findings/Implications):
Is this the first time you will be exhibiting this poster?
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
I have one or more of the following financial conflicts related to this abstract/presentation. (If more than one, please select other and explain all conflicts.)

I confirm that the above disclosure is accurate and complete: (enter your name)